Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Fox Sisters

Mr. Splitfoot, do as I do!

Happy Birthday Modern Spiritualism.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Victorian Weekend at Spiritualist Church In Salem

What to do on a rainy Sunday? Consider attending the second day of the Victorian Weekend at The First Spiritualist Church of Salem.

At 5:30pm today there will be a Victorian Tea. The cost is $10 for individuals and $15 for couples. Victorian Dress is welcome but not mandatory. At 6:30 there will be a Victorian Style evening service that is free and open to the public. Workers will be dressed in Victorian and Edwardian attire.

Visit the event webpage for more information.

Have an ectoplasmic day!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ectoplasmic Cocktail!

Remember, be careful. Do not mix your spirits! This form of ectoplasm is best conjured AFTER you sit, not before or during, and in the company of good friends who are still here on the earth plane. And, don't drive if you indulge.

In an old-fashioned glass, filled with ice, add 3oz Vodka, 1 1/2 oz Grand Marnier, 1 1/2 oz Blue Curacao, 1 splash orange juice. Stir and serve.

Have an ectoplasmic day!

Why Prosperity?

Some thoughts on why it is important to allow prosperity:
"In order to be truly happy, we must live balanced lives. To be in great fiscal health is very much like being in great physical health: it allows you to do more and be more, and it permits you to live your life free of constant pain and bondage."
-The Five Lessons A Millionaire Taught Me About Life And Wealth, Richard Paul Evans.

Now, go out and manifest some Prosperity! It is really quite simple. Plant some seeds, water them, set the plant in the light, and watch the leaves grow!

Have an ectoplasmic day!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Where have the blog posts gone?

So, this blog got off to a bang with lots of postings and then I stopped. What's up with that?

I have spent years aligning energies in my life for certain situations to occur and they seem to be occuring all at once.

The Law Of Use, (see post from about a month ago)states that we have to use our talents and use our resources. When you combine the Law Of Use with The Law Of Attraction you may find that there comes a point where you must lay down the Law Of Pay Attention. Now, I don't know if that is really a law. But, for me, that Law has made me notice opportunties, situations, alliances, and possibilities that are extraordinary. So, for the last month I have been using The Law Of Slow Down, in regards to this blog, so that I could pick up some of the low lying fruit. When you start picking up the fruit you sometimes go into The Law Of Speed Up in other areas. It balances out.

What does that mean? It means use your resources, intend what you want, then notice the opportunities that exist so that you resources and your intentions manifest. The Law of Attraction is not a sit down and wait process. It is a very active, doing, making, and creating process.

One last thing...don't mistake the events that seem like failure to set you off the course. They must occur to balance your knowledge base and to allow the life lessons to take place so that you know what you are doing when your intentions come rolling in. Don't ask - just trust me on this one.

I will definitely be posting more. But this past month I have been off in the world facilitating the numerous Natural Laws. Gotta run, back to The Law Of Speeding Up!

Have an ectoplasmic day!