Sunday, January 25, 2009

Enlightened Hearts

Enlightened Hearts is the embodiment of all things positive. Our mission is to encompass various creative processes to help awaken your hearts desires, one breath at a time. From the website Enlightened Hearts.

Check out this website Enlightened Hearts. It is run by a friend of mine and it has alot of interesting information, products, and resources.

Adding this site to the links.

Have an ectoplasmic day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Law of Use

Last night at class the discussion was about the Law of Use. Simply put, the Law of Use relates to how people use objects or even talents in their physical environment and as to whether the objects or talents are being used in a manner that attracts or repels high vibratory energy.

In regards to objects, the old axiom to only take what you can use hold true. You do not need more. To hoard objects just makes energy stale. The hoarded objects may have value for someone else and it is better for everyone to just let go of the objects before they fall into another phase of the Law of Use: decay.

This Law holds true for our talents and gifts. If you use your natural talents you make a difference. When you squelch your natural talents you deprive the world of the benefit of your talent and that goes against the Law of Use.

Now, here is the important part, in my humble opinion. The Law of Use in regards to physical objects greatly impacts the Law of Use in regards to our mental talents. When we let go of the clutter, the chaos, and the decay of physical things around us we can better open our hearts and minds to follow our talents and gifts. For me, when I cleared out my home of physical objects I didn't need I became considerably keener in my ability to apply my energies towards my talents.

If you have no energy to pursue a hobby, possible vocation, artistic expression, or even advanced education that will allow you to shine your mental,emotional, and spiritual gifts to the world in the most full and authentic way, start with the Law of Use on a physical level. Get rid of all the physical stuff that bogs you down and pass it along to someone who will really benefit. Donate it, recycle it, sell it, give it away, or (eeks!) throw it away. When the dust settles, and you swept that up, you may find you have the physical and mental space to set forth the Law of Use and use your talents to express yourself.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Medium Lionel and Friends blog

The newest addition to the blog roll section of this blog is Medium Lionel and Friends. Check it out! I met Lionel when he was in Salem over the fall. I think you will really enjoy his blog.

Have an ectoplasmic day!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and one another

Neuroanatomist Jill Bolte Taylor had an opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: One morning, she realized she was having a massive stroke. As it happened -- as she felt her brain functions slip away one by one, speech, movement, understanding -- she studied and remembered every moment. This is a powerful story about how our brains define us and connect us to the world and to one another

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Animal Communication

Today I googled the search tern "Animal Consciousness" and stumbled upon this blog Wisdom From The Animals, a blog by a woman who communicates with animals. Here is the website SpotSaid.

There is definitely an intelligence in animals. What piqued my interest in this subject for today has been the actions on my dear cat. It is as if he can tell time and he paces and meows each day just before 5pm, dinner time. Sometimes, he wishes for what we call the back-up dry food, the "kitty junk food" and when he wants that food he will go to the cabinet and pull the door open, even when we have just filled his dish with the regular "healthy" dry food. He greets us at the door with meows and he likes to play and run. Looking into his eyes,and interacting with him on a daily basis, it seems that there is definitely an intelligence there. Maybe greater than ours. All he needs to be happy is food in the dish, water in the bowl, a comfy spot on the bed, room to run and play, and lots of love and affection. That's all he needs. No more, no less. He just is.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Out On A Limb

I just read Shirley MacLaine's book Out On A Limb. She is a person who truly expresses her belief in that which is consciousness-based without holding back. Her open-mindedness to new ideas, her desire to question and learn, and her reflections about herself and how she relates to others, makes this a book worth reading even twenty-five years after it was first published. One of her moments of affirmation in something spiritual, beyond herself, came from repeatedly hearing the phrase along the lines of to get the fruit you have to go out on a limb from mediums during channeling sessions, friends, and the connections she made. Synchronistic? Yes, and that is the stuff we should be paying attention to.

Google this phrase and lots of new-age, self-development, and spirituality based websites come up. Maybe a bit trite, maybe even over-used now, but it is true. You do have to go out on a limb if you want to get the fruit. Sure, some trees just drop the fruit down to the ground, but then it gets wormy and bruised and maybe it is over-ripened. Much better to go out and pick your own bounty - fresh, new, and at peak.

So, do you have any plans to go out on a limb?

By the way, she has a website that is filled with lots of consciousness based services, products, and information. Shirley MacLaine website.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Today I found an interesting website called and Current TV. The station was started by Al Gore and Joel Hyatt in 2005 as an alternative cable television news outlet and it is made up of viewer created content, VC2. Check out this interesting short article about Dark Network in Brain = Time Travel. This isn't dark as in the dark side, but rather a neuroscientific description of the brain default mode.

Have an ectoplasmic day!