Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Law of Use

Last night at class the discussion was about the Law of Use. Simply put, the Law of Use relates to how people use objects or even talents in their physical environment and as to whether the objects or talents are being used in a manner that attracts or repels high vibratory energy.

In regards to objects, the old axiom to only take what you can use hold true. You do not need more. To hoard objects just makes energy stale. The hoarded objects may have value for someone else and it is better for everyone to just let go of the objects before they fall into another phase of the Law of Use: decay.

This Law holds true for our talents and gifts. If you use your natural talents you make a difference. When you squelch your natural talents you deprive the world of the benefit of your talent and that goes against the Law of Use.

Now, here is the important part, in my humble opinion. The Law of Use in regards to physical objects greatly impacts the Law of Use in regards to our mental talents. When we let go of the clutter, the chaos, and the decay of physical things around us we can better open our hearts and minds to follow our talents and gifts. For me, when I cleared out my home of physical objects I didn't need I became considerably keener in my ability to apply my energies towards my talents.

If you have no energy to pursue a hobby, possible vocation, artistic expression, or even advanced education that will allow you to shine your mental,emotional, and spiritual gifts to the world in the most full and authentic way, start with the Law of Use on a physical level. Get rid of all the physical stuff that bogs you down and pass it along to someone who will really benefit. Donate it, recycle it, sell it, give it away, or (eeks!) throw it away. When the dust settles, and you swept that up, you may find you have the physical and mental space to set forth the Law of Use and use your talents to express yourself.

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