Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Not sure what is wrong with my car. Sometimes when I turn the key in the ignition the dash lights up, like the car will start, but then the engine doesn't turn over. The car is not five years old, has under 45K miles on it, and it receives regular maintenance. Tank full of gas. If I step on the break, shift the car into drive, then back to park, turn off, lock the steering wheel, get out of the car, slam the door, and get in and start all over again the car starts fine.

This has happened three times this month. Today I had was in front of Gagnon's shoe repair on Derby Street in Salem. While trying to keep my mind even I wondered if I had enough quarters to feed the meter until AAA could be on the scene. I went through the routine and my car started. Voila.

It got me to thinking about life, and our thoughts, and how sometimes it seems as if we have everything in order but vital connections are not made and we don't understand. The connections may be in our minds, with colleagues, in circumstances, and sometimes even with spirit. Sometimes everything is in working order but the connection doesn't hold.

Of course, this doesn't mean that I won't call the garage and get my car serviced. But, it got me to thinking about connections. Also, it got me to thinking about how we make connections. We always have to take the steps to help make the connections. That may be finding a new way to communicate with others, checking in with ourselves to find new possibilities and awareness levels, and sometimes it is as simple as calling the mechanic.

Monday, October 19, 2009

With A Single Thought

Today a friend sent a video on facebook that was pretty funny. It was Eddie Izzard and the Death Star Canteen. Izzard jokes that there must be a cafeteria on the Death Star and that Darth Vader may go there for lunch. In the video DV gets into a tiff with a canteen worker, who does not recognize him, and he says "I can kill you with a single thought" and "I can kill myself with a single thought."

How often do we think about the powerful nature of our thoughts? Can we kill others and ourselves with our thoughts? We can kill the spirit of others with unkind thoughts, attitudes, and words. We can instill fear. We can kill ourselves with a single thought whenever we think "I can't" or "I'm not good enough". But, we can only do so with permission from ourselves or others.

For the rest of the day I resolve to not kill anyone, including myself, with a single thought. If we can kill with thoughts we can also live, prosper, grow, love, thrive, and if there is time maybe squeeze in lunch at the canteen.

Have an ectoplasmic day!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rainy Day In Salem

It is pouring outside. Some would call this a Nor'easter. I feel bad for the local merchants because October is the big season.

Last night I went for a walk downtown Salem and I was surprised by how many tourists were out and about. It's only mid-month! Lights in store front windows offering psychic readings, haunted tours, seances, aura photography, spells, hexes administered or removed, and books, potions, herbs, oil, and schwag. The schwag is the common tourist trap junk that people buy such as sweatshirts, shot glasses, and bumper stickers.

The amusement park rides that a week ago were at the Topsfield Fair, the oldest fair in the US, by the way, are now parked on Derby Street through 10/31. The ferris wheel looms across from Murphy's Bar, that used to be Roosevelt's, and about every ten feet you can find a fried dough stand. Vendors sell everything from wool sweaters and caps to jewelry and blankets.

It is the Witchcraft Hysteria that makes Salem famous at Halloween. From persecution to profit.

I'm not a witch. My family does not practice witch craft. I know several witches and they have a peaceful, earth-centered, and loving vibration. My family does not participate in the Halloween trade or even in the spiritual marketplace. Nothing against those who do. Some do very fine work. Some not so much. Be careful and do your homework first when you hire someone for spiritual services! My family is just too busy at regular jobs, maintaining homes, pets, making music, and living a very normal life. We look more like we jumped off the cover of LL Bean and less like mediums! For us it is just a spiritual journey that we have been quietly on for now just about three generations. Just simple Spiritualist mediums (I'm not so developed as my Mom and Grandmother) who are careful to distinguish between that which is psychic and that which is spirit.

As the crowds swell in Salem each year I am beginning to think that more people are interested in knowing the difference. Or, maybe they just want a shot glass with a witch flying on a broomstick. Who knows? Who cares. People are paying attention and maybe they will learn something in the process.