Monday, February 23, 2009

Your Money Or Your Life

Read a great book called Your Money Or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin.

The authors consider money to be a means to exchange life energy. How we choose to use the life energy is up to us. We can choose to waste it, save it, honor it, love it, hate it, fear it, invest it, and even learn to just live with it. Mostly it is about having enough money. No more, no less than needed. Optimally, your expenses are very low and your investments are large enough to meet your monthly needs easily and with some to spare and share.

This book has long been popular in the Voluntary Simplicity, Frugality, Financial Independence, and Eco-Conscious crowd. It definitely has a metaphysical approach to money.

But what I like most is the emphasis on what people must DO. It is not enough to simply intend, to visualize, and to affirm oneself into prosperity and enoughness. The authors discuss followers of the plan they outline in the book who through thinking and doing notice opportunites. So true. Action and Intent. You must do and have both.

My favorite quote in the book "All the intention in the world won't get you a glass of water if you're not willing to go find the glass and fill it with water" (Dominguez) I do not know if he coined that expression or if it is an old adage. Doesn't matter. It just makes sense.

Have an Ectoplasmic Day!

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