Saturday, November 29, 2008

"We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented."

Ed Harris, in the role of Christof, the producer in The Truman Show, makes this statement (not in the scene posted on the blog today), and it is the primary message of the movie. How true. Why?

Why do people place limits based on what has been presented as reality and then believe it is the only reality? Life has many variables. Variables may be our education, financial situation, family attitudes, geographic region, religious beliefs, political teachings, and most importantly, what we consider real in our very own mind. It is so easy to hold assumptions about the world and ourselves. Assumptions that then place enormous limitations on our lives because of what we consider reality. What if we decide to choose that the variables are not static? We may bump up against ideas that are not consistent with reality. Then what?

Enjoy the final scene. Warning, if you have not seen the film it is a spoiler. If you have, or don't care, please view. It is amazing what we can do when we realize we have the power to choose our reality.

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